Log-On Restrictions



Every few days I am prevented from logging on and the following message appears on the screen "Your account has time restrictions that prevent you from logging on at this time. Please try again later."
Microsoft Support covers this problem with Windows NT (Q142707) but no mention with regard to XP. I am the administrator. Any ideas?

Doug Knox MS-MVP

Click Start, Run and enter CMD.EXE

Once the command prompt opens, enter NET USER <username> /TIME:ALL

Where <username> is your username.


Thank-you for your reply. I typed in "NET USER...etc" but there was nothing for me to click on to enter this information. I am not an expert, there is probably something quite simple that I need to do to complete this action.

Doug Knox MS-MVP

There is nothing to click on. Open the command prompt window by using Start, Run and entering CMD.EXE

This will open the command prompt window. Once open just type in NET USER <USERNAME> /TIMES:ALL where <USERNAME> is the actual username you want to implement this change on.


Thanks again. I had no problems carrying out your instructions, but what do I do with the open widow when I have finished? How do I know that my instruction has been accepted?


Thanks again. I had no problems carrying out your instructions, but what do I do with the open window when I have finished? How do I know that my instructions have been accepted?

Doug Knox MS-MVP

If you no longer see the logon restriction message, then your account's properties have been set correctly.

Doug Knox MS-MVP

You can also use NET USER <USERNAME> with no parameters to see the results and any other applicable settings for that account.


Sorry, I still don't understand what I do when I have carried out all your instructions. I have typed your phrases into the window. Now my simple question is "What do I do with the window on my screen". If I do nothing it just stays there withe cursor blinking away at the end of my typed instructions. I must do something to tell the system that I have completed the instructions and I now wish action to be taken. Otherwise the window will will stay on my screen with the cursor blinking balefully at me until I shut down the computer.


Sorry I haven't replied sooner but I have been away for a few days. Unfortunately when I tried to log on the dreaded message came up on the screen "Your account has time restrictions...." So I am back to square one despite carrying out your instructions to the letter (including "Enter" !)

Doug Knox MS-MVP

Try logging on to the built in XP Administrator account. At the Welcome Screen, with no users logged on, press CTRL-ALT-DEL twice at the Welcome Screen. Enter Administrator and any password that you may have put on that account during Setup. If in doubt, try leaving it blank.

Once logged on, open a Command Prompt window and use

NET USER <username> /TIMES:ALL

Command for the affected user name. If you can't gain access to the built in Administrator account, you'll just have to keep trying to get into the other account, during the times it allows you to.

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