Log off without closing applications


Man T

Everytime I tried to log off only, XP seems will close all my running
applications. eg. Words, Windows Explorer, Notepad, ...etc.

Is this the only way to log off?


Man said:
Everytime I tried to log off only, XP seems will close all my running
applications. eg. Words, Windows Explorer, Notepad, ...etc.

Is this the only way to log off?

If you want to shut down along with your logoff, you can "hibernate"
instead. A restart restores everything back the way it was.

Pegasus \(MVP\)

Man T said:
Everytime I tried to log off only, XP seems will close all my running
applications. eg. Words, Windows Explorer, Notepad, ...etc.

Is this the only way to log off?

This is by design. If you don't want your apps to be closed then you have
two options:
- Activate your (password-protected) screen saver
- Switch to a different user

Man T

This is by design. If you don't want your apps to be closed then you have
two options:
- Activate your (password-protected) screen saver
- Switch to a different user

At the moment I am using the screen saver option, I need to set the time
interval to 1 minute everytime I leave my desk, but I need to wait for 1
minute to get the screen saver in effect before go to elsewhere.


At the moment I am using the screen saver option, I need to set the time
interval to 1 minute everytime I leave my desk, but I need to wait for 1
minute to get the screen saver in effect before go to elsewhere.

You could create a shortcut to the screensaver ?.scr file that you are
using, and place that shortcut somewhere in the Start Menu.

Set a Shortcut Key for the shortcut.

Then activate the screensaver whenever you need it using the shortcut
key combination.



Man said:
At the moment I am using the screen saver option, I need to set the time
interval to 1 minute everytime I leave my desk, but I need to wait for 1
minute to get the screen saver in effect before go to elsewhere.

Just press the Winkey+L combo to instantly lock your workstation. If
you can't manage to use a key combo, you can create a button in a
toolbar in your Windows taskbar that you click on with a mouse, where
the shortcut runs:

%windir%\system32\rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation

Some keyboards have more than the old 101 keys on them. The other keys
or buttons add more functionality. So check if you can define one of
them with the keyboard's software to give you a 1-button lock function.

If every user could logoff but leave their user-level processes running
then how long before all the memory got consumed on the host to make it
unusable? Would YOU want to run a slow as a snail on ice in the middle
of February because someone else left all their user-level processes
running and eating up all the memory?


Martin said:
You could create a shortcut to the screensaver ?.scr file that you are
using, and place that shortcut somewhere in the Start Menu.

Set a Shortcut Key for the shortcut.

Then activate the screensaver whenever you need it using the shortcut
key combination.

That will only activate the screensaver.
It will *not* actually lock the PC - there will be no security!

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