Locking Worksheets, Copy and Paste Question




I would appreciate any help you can give with my following question.

I am trying to lock different sections within a worksheet, and I am
wondering if there is a way to lock a worksheet but still allow a user to
insert rows and copy and paste formulas into those newly inserted rows.

Thank you again for your help.


Gord Dibben

When protecting a worksheet you can select various options including insert
rows and columns and select locked and unlocked cells.

In order to paste into newly inserted rows these inserted rows must lie
within the unlocked sections of the sheet

i.e. unlock A1:D10 and protect the sheet but allow insert rows.

Insert a row at A3.................you can copy/paste into that row in
columns A:D only.

Insert a row at A14...........you cannot copy/paste into that row.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP


Hi Gord,

Thank you for taking the time to reply, I really do appreciate it.

I understand that we can lock a worksheet and insert rows, however do you
know if it is possible to insert rows and copy and paste formulas from the
above row into the newly inserted row?

In other words, I have a worksheet that has multiple data entry fields (both
manual and calculated through formuals)... If I insert a row in a locked
worksheet, is it possible to transfer the formula from the surrounding rows
into the new row?

(sorry this is somewhat hard to explain, please let me know if you need
further clarification)

Thank you again,


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