locking settings into a file so that it opens the same on any comp



Is there a way to lock the settings into a specific file so that whenever you
start the Word programme it opens identically each time, regarless of what
user preferences on a particular compter are?

Specifically I would like to know how to surpress grammer errors this way
and also how to hide gridlines this way. (For grid lines, even if i save the
file in my own computer with the grids hidden, when i open the file again,
the grids are visible and i have to hide them again...)

This is all about me sending resumes and I dont want things to come up on
the potential employers page, I need to surpress this stuff within the actual



Dayo Mitchell


You can't really do what you ask, and I think if you could, it would involve
macros, and nobody is going to open a resume with macros in it. If you want
to control what the recipient sees, your best best is googling for a
free/cheap PDF program and sending a PDF (page length is also likely to
differ on the recipient's computer). But, some tips:

Re the gridlines, if you set your own template up instead of using Word's
resume wizard, they wouldn't be there.... Also avoid overuse of tab and
spaces, so that hitting ¶ on the standard toolbar still shows a clean
document. This would involve learning a reasonable amount about Word.

If you set the text of the document to "no proofing" or "do not check
spelling and grammar" (via Tools | Language), then it would stay that way,
and the recipient would have to go to some trouble to check your grammar.
Then it wouldn't show the lines. (better do this after you type it,
however, because note, the spellings are suppress not surpress, and grammar,
not grammer, etc).


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