locking page layout but allowing data entry



I have a data sheet with merged cells, borders etc. I wish to allow data
entry and mods including moving lines of data (control x) and pasting.
At present this also removes merged cells and erases borders.
Is there any way to create a locked format for a sheet which prevents
users from changing cells, merges, borders etc, but still allows data
to be moved without affecting the sheet; ie merged cells stay merged
and drawn borders are not erased?
Thank you for some expertise.

Dave Peterson

The easiest thing is not 100% effective--but it may be enough.

For the worksheet that should stop the copy(cut)|paste, rightclick on the
worksheet tab and select view code. Paste this in:

Option Explicit
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub

If the user copies from that same worksheet, then changes to a different cell,
the copy is cleared from the clipboard.

(But it won't stop copy|paste from different worksheets/workbooks.)

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