Locking cells



Is it possible to lock the cells with conditio. I want to lock all the cells
after one week from the certain date on the sheet.

for Ex. $A$23 cell have the date 15 Aug 2005 and i want to lock the cell
$C$8 to $H$23 after one week from that date. so that no one can change the

Thanks in advance

Don Guillett

By default all cells are locked. You would need to unlock all desired and
then have a macro to lock the desired cells.
Sub lockcells()
Range("b1:d12").Locked = False
If Date > Range("a4") + 15 Then Range("b1:b4").Locked = True
End Sub


Using Data/Validation menu, select the cells to be locked and choose in the
validation dialog box Allow: Custom with the following formula:
and don't select Ignore blank.
As long as you're not a week after the date in A23, the user can enter what
he or she wants but after this date, the selected cells are not anymore
uh... Am I clear enough? I wonder... anyway, don't hesitate to ask more

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