Locked into Windows Repair/Reinstall



After a HD crash I attempted to Repair/Reinstall Windows XP using the
installation CD. About 3/4 thru the process it stopped with a msg to insert
the XP CD which was already in the CD Drive and then to click on the drive
which I did but only got an error which then recycled to the setup process
again. I'd like to get out of the process and do a clean install now but
don't know how to discontinue the setup process. I tried using the safemode
command line but it tells me that it won't work in safe mode.


after 14 posts, you probably have 'tryed it all', but from your discription,
I would try the Recovery Console, (from the boot setup CD 'repair' option)
and running 'chkdsk /r' , then trying a setup 'repair' (the second repair
offered), and finally, a 'reinstall' from a boot to cd.

If none of those work, I don't think anything else you might try are worth
doing. Start over from whatever 'backup' you have available.


I'm thinking you're right. Unfortunately there is no way for me to access
the boot CD without it cycling me right back to the setup process where it
left off. Is there no way to format/erase the HD? Seems my only choice is
to install a new HD, format it and install XP as a clean install from
scratch, then add all the updates. What do you advise?


HD crash? Did you install a new HD? On some systems when repairing or
reinstalling, all devices must be disconnected. I.E. Remove printer,
external HD, anything on a USB. Then afterwards install those devices.


There are no devices attached to the computer in question. I'm about to
install a new HD to replace the crashed one that I have trouble with the
repair on. Not done yet but just reviewing the instructions on a clean
install using the original XP CD that was used on the machine. I think the
old HD(the one that won't complete the repair) is a loss since there is
apparently no way to erase it and start over once it's locked into the repair


Last sentence baffles me. Locked in repair sequence I don't understand. Why
can't it be reformatted?

Robin Bignall

Have you never had this happen? If the HDD crashes during the
installation process, each time you try to boot from the XPPro CD the
Windows loader recognises that you're in the middle of an install and
tries mindlessly to finish it. Using that CD, you cannot reformat or
actually do anything else.

John John

The reason it is in a loop going back to the installation in progress is
because there is an entry in the Boot.ini file telling the XP setup
program that there is an installation in progress. You can boot to the
Recovery Console and remove the entry from the Boot.ini file and you
should then be able to try a new repair. If you chose to do a clean
install you will be able to format the partition. You can also boot the
computer with other methods and use different tools to do partition work
if you have to. Unless the disk is physically damaged there is no need
to buy a new disk to get around the problem you are having. Running
chkdsk as suggested by Mark should give you a good indication of the
health of the disk. If still in doubt after running chkdsk you can run
a diagnostic utility from your disk manufacturer, that will tell you if
the disk is damaged.



Sounds like something I may try at a future date but as of now I just gave up
in frustration and installed a new HD, formatted and clean installed my copy
of XP. Of course I had to reinstall a lot of programs but I had the
installation discs/or downloaded them. I'm up and running again now with
everything working for the moment. I still have the old disc, not installed,
and maybe I'll check it out someday or maybe not if I don't want to go thru
the frustration again. Meanwhile, thanks for all the advice and suggestions.
I guess this thread is closed as far as I am concerned.


Sorry, no this never happened to me. I was under the impression that anytime
you do a clean install you can reformat the HD.
Have you never had this happen? If the HDD crashes during the
installation process, each time you try to boot from the XPPro CD the
Windows loader recognises that you're in the middle of an install and
tries mindlessly to finish it. Using that CD, you cannot reformat or
actually do anything else.

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