Locked for Editing - Problem - Excel 2007




I am using Vista and Microsoft Office 2007.

I open Windows Explorer and I double click an Excel 2003 file from a
folder on our SBS 2003 Server containing many Excel 2003 files.

I then wish to open a different Excel 2003 file from the same folder
and double click the file and get a message in Excel 2007 saying that
File Locked for Editing etc.

The file is not in use by anyone.

Now for the strange part.

I close the file and try and open again using same process and this
time it open correctly without the message.

Please Microsoft Tech what is happening as it is very annoying?


Gord Dibben

No Microsoft Techs around here.

This is a peer to peer group and all contributors are volunteers who do not work
for Microsoft although occasionally an MS employee could stop by to contribute.

In answer to your question..........

Excel stores a *.tmp copy of any file that is open.

Sometimes this *.tmp file is not deleted from the Temp folder when you close
out Excel(maybe a crash of Excel?) or the file, so Excel thinks it is still
open and in use.

You don't say that you had a crash but I would still try a couple of steps.

You can try a re-boot and see if that clears it up. If not, after a re-boot,
clear out your Windows\Temp folder.

If using WinXP your Temp folder would be under user.......

Documents and Settings\User\Local Settings\Temp

If on a network, re-booting the server may be the only solution.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP


No Microsoft Techs around here.

This is a peer to peer group and all contributors are volunteers who do not work
for Microsoft although occasionally an MS employee could stop by to contribute.

In answer to your question..........

Excel stores a *.tmp copy of any file that is open.

Sometimes this *.tmp file is not deleted from the Temp folder when you close
out Excel(maybe a crash of Excel?) or the file, so Excel thinks it is still
open and in use.

You don't say that you had a crash but I would still try a couple of steps.

You can try a re-boot and see if that clears it up. If not, after a re-boot,
clear out your Windows\Temp folder.

If using WinXP your Temp folder would be under user.......

Documents and Settings\User\Local Settings\Temp

If on a network, re-booting the server may be the only solution.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

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Hi Gord
This is very weird as I said - the first time I try and open an Excel
file it is locked.
Second time after closing it opens fine.

This is extremely annoying as I cannot afford for our staff to be
double handling files just to open them?

Are temp files stored on Server or just in client - if only on client
then I have never opened the files so this is more weird?


Gord Dibben

I have not been on a network for a few years.

Don't know where the temp files would be stored.

I believe on the server but someone can jump in here and say for sure.



I have not been on a network for a few years.

Don't know where the temp files would be stored.

I believe on the server but someone can jump in here and say for sure.


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Can anyone help with this problem?


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