Location of Music, Video and Pictures



I want to chance the location of the three folders My Music, My Pictures and
My Video's. I have three harddrives in my computer. The first one u use for
windows and program files. The second I use for my documents, the location of
My documents is chanced through the properties panel of the icon on the
desktop. The windows help files do not help me any further. I tried some
solutions in this newsgroup. One say's chance the registery key's into a
value of your liking. I seams to me the most promisible solution of all. It

[HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders]
In the right-pane:
- Create a REG SZ named CommonMusic and set it's path
- Create a REG SZ named CommonPictures and set it's path
- Create a REG SZ named CommonVideo and set it's path

I did e restart, nothing happend. I tried it in the User Shell Folders and
the Shell Folders. The i tried to create the folders beforhand, did not work
either. A possibility is that the folders should alway's be inside the My
Documents folder, sounds a bit strange, but can be true.

Does anybody know how to correct this? Thanks beforhand for any help.

Keith Miller

The registry edit you mention is for changing the location of SHARED music, pics & video. Your post says you want to move MY music, pics, & video. If that is the case, the easiest way is to right-click & cut the folder in question, then open the desired destination & right-click paste. This method will update the appropriate registry entries, which for an individual user are under:

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders

TweakUI will also successfully move User special folders, but not the shared folders.


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