Localization support in Compact Framework 2


Can Erten

I want to localize my application. I am using .net compact framework 2.
And I want to use the forms default resx file which is easy to build.
How to perform that. I don't want to iterate through the controls in my
form. I want to do it just like selecting the default language in the

Simon Hart

I'm not sure what you are asking, iterate controls!? default resx? Can you
be more specific. Are you asking you want to force the selection of a
particular language at runtime other than the culture used on the device?

Can Erten

I found easy to set the language from the user interface. When I set
the localizable property of the form to true, I can select the language
from the designer and it automatically save as a resource file for each
form. This is what I really want. However I also want this to be
dynamic. Like setting at the beginning of the application or somewhere
in the application. Though It's OK to restart the application.

I found a sample in msdn for providing the localization. This sample
finds the resx file and programmatically iterates each control in the
form and set the text for that control.

While this is supported out of the box (as far as I see), why bother
with resx and control loops.

Sachin Palewar

Well I am not very sure, but I think out of box approach you mentioned
won't work in case of some user defined controls and also if you want
to use different graphics for different cultures. We are also going to
try globalisation in our next application, will share my experience
once we have done that.

I think if you want more control and have advanced requirements as
mentioned above then you need to use resx and control loops :)


Sachin Palewar

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