localization - disabling the localization of control properties?


Sergei Shelukhin

Hi. Is there any way to prevent standard .NET localization from
"lozalizing" control locations and sizes? Or, preferrably, all the
properties that are put into "other" resource type in resources.

We have an application where the changes to control positions on the
form are done very often as new contrls are added to the forms, via
GUI editor, and having to change control position over and over in
each and every anguage file is annoying as HELL.
There's also a problem with those "other" values not being read by
ResXResourceReader, so we cannot syncronize it easily, I wonder if
there's a way that is better than writing an Xml-based sync.

Grant Frisken

The Visual Studio forms designer only writes out resource values to
the language specific resx files if the value is different from the
invariant. So provided you don't open the designer in say French and
move controls around, the control positions should not get written out
to French. Unfortunately because of the way the designer remembers
the last language edited, it is very easy to accidently open a form
(not realizing that it is language specific) and then make changes
that result in the control positions being saved. Unfortunately
Visual Studio doesn't provide any easy way of resetting these langauge
specific resources back to the invariant value once this has
occurred. You basically have to edit the resx.

You might be interested in taking a look at Infralution's
Globalizer.NET product. This makes the whole process of localizing
forms and controls much easier. You can choose to just localize
certain types of resources (eg strings and icons). Globalizer.NET
will then generate the language specific resx files for you -
eliminating the frustration you are currently having. You can get
more information and download an evaluation version from

Grant Frisken

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