Loading Controls Programatically


Dino Buljubasic


I am using C# VS2005 and I am having a problem that I did not notice
before in VS2003.

I have created myUserControl that contains a Panel. The panel is
loaded dynamically with a number of ListViews. The number depends on
the size of the form (therefore the size of the panel which is
anchored to resize when form is resized.

Basically, I load my ListView as:


// Loads a number of ListViews depending on Panel size


I have 2 questions:
1. Should I dispose my dynamically loaded listviews when reloading
panel or resizing it?

2. I have noticed that when I drag another window over my form, the
properties of my ListViews (ForeColor and Font) change to the same
properties of container (my panel). So my ListViews which had
programatically set ForeColor and Font to say Red, Arial will change
to panels properties which are say MS Sans Sarif, Black. (It also
happens when form is maximized on ListViews that were not visible
before maximize).
How to fix this?

Any Help Will Be Appreciated,


Dino Buljubasic

For those interested, I have found out that this is rather an IDE
issue than coding issue. When I run my application from IDE, this
repainting problem occurs, when I run it from compiled .exe, the
problem is gone.


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