Load DataGrid in DataList programatically?


DotNetJunkies User


I was wondering if it is possible to load datagrid into datalist programatically using ITemplate interface with the following structure and place intp placeholder control.

- DataList
- DataGrid (DataList Item)

I have hierarchical data that I want to display using webcontrols whilst calculating minimum cost for each courier with Compute() method in DataGrid.

- Courier List

Any advice or example much appreciated.


Hermit Dave

well i have tried datagrid in datagrid and this is what i suggested in
another post yesterday

i dont see any problems using DataList as a parent and datagrid as a child.

well you said you tried nesting !! i think that is the most appropriate
solution for Parent Child relations.

one of the columns there will be another datarid..

say dgParent has a template column which is a datagrid. dgChild.
onDataBound event... get the categoryid.. using that either fetch or filter
correct records for child and bind it to that row's dgChild.

i have done this a lot of times... infact i had a Parent >> Child >> Child
relationship and after a bit of tweaking it all worked :)





Hermit Dave

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