live update



I cannot run live update since i downloaded the windows
xp updates. do i have to reinstall the norton 2004 to get
it to run.

Sharon F

I cannot run live update since i downloaded the windows
xp updates. do i have to reinstall the norton 2004 to get
it to run.

Live Update is a part of Symantec's software. It's been a long time since
I've used their products but I believe you can uninstall/reinstall just the
Live Update portion. May want to check the Symantec site to see if they
have any updates for LU or if they have documented this problem in their
online technical support area.

Sharon F

I cannot run live update since i downloaded the windows
xp updates. do i have to reinstall the norton 2004 to get
it to run.

PS: I hope you are referring to XP Updates from the Windows Update site. If
you've downloaded anything via email links in a message that *looked* like
it was from Micrsofot, it was a bogus email and virus laden. Many current
viruses break the resident antivirus program. You can use an online scanner
to check your system:

If a virus is found, follow the site's recommendations for complete
removal. Then reinstall your antivirus program.

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