Live Search Maps - Can't find the locations



I have XP SP2 Professional and Home and have experienced a problem with
Outlook Live Search Maps starting a few months ago.

On the Contact page of Outlook when I click on the icon to "display Map of
address" it no longer can find any address. The problem is that it now
automatically adds "United States of America" to the search address and I
have to remove it from the search address in order to find the location.

It didn't used to add "USofA" and I would like to know how to make it work
the way it did before.

Any help would be appreciated.


Bill, I am having the same problem! Very aggravating!
We manually cleared the United States of America out of each of mt 2300
However, the new contacts still have the United States of America in them.

Help!!!! I use the live maps all the time and was excellent before this hit.
also happening in office 2003 on some but not all of my employees computers.

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