Listview and data bindings


Dvae c

I would like to create a listview control and data bind to a table (VB
code). I cannot seem to get the code correct to load the listview
control (new to .net CF programming). With the items and subitems, I
am a little confused on how to do this. Can someone provide code
examples? Thanks in advanced.

Arnaldo Fuziy

Listview doesn't support complex binding (e.g.
datagrid.datasource=datatable). Therefore, you should populate the listview
through items and subitems collection...

Suppose the orders table:
listview.beginupdate() 'avoids the flicker effect
for each row in datatable.rows
with row
lvwItem=new listviewitem("")
'--->>> the first column in your listview
'--->>> the other columns in your listview

'--->>> if you don't ctype your data column, it gives the error
message stating that CF
' doesn't support late bind
end with

Hope it helps,


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