Lists of Commands



In programs like Excel, Quattro Pro, Wordperfect, dBase and many, many others
I can think of that include a macro, programming or such capability, the user
has access to a list of commands. Often the lists come sorted by type (Date,
Financial etc.) and have help files connected with most commands. The lists
make the task of learning much, much simpler.

I think I read on this forum that Access 2007 has such a list. But I can't
find that Access 2003 does.

I must be missing something, because it cannot be. It can NOT be, that they
would just forget to include that when Access was first created.

So please, where do they keep it?



Albert D. Kallal

PlarfySoober said:
In programs like Excel, Quattro Pro, Wordperfect, dBase and many, many
I can think of that include a macro, programming or such capability, the
has access to a list of commands. Often the lists come sorted by type
Financial etc.) and have help files connected with most commands. The
make the task of learning much, much simpler.

I think I read on this forum that Access 2007 has such a list. But I can't
find that Access 2003 does.

I must be missing something, because it cannot be. It can NOT be, that
would just forget to include that when Access was first created.

So please, where do they keep it?


Did you think of trying the help file? After all, of the above other
products ALSO have their production documentation in the help file.

While in the code editor, try the help menu:

The 1st option is:

Microsoft Visual Basic Help.

Select the above, and on the right see a list grouped by functions, objects,

I guess perhaps it's probably important to point out that access has the
help file split into two sections. You have end users that will use access
for years and not use any of the programming parts, therefore it would be
quite silly to overwhelm these users with all the programming concepts and
all the programming commands.

So, if you use the help system within the forms, reports etc, you'll not get
help for the coding and program development system. And, if you are in the
code editor, then you get the appropriate help for all the programming
commands you have available in MS access.

So not only is context help available in the code editor, but if you use the
above help option, you'll see a nice Grouped list on the right with things
like functions + methods, it's even alphabetically listed out for you...

There is the MSDN documentation libraries online, but perhaps you take a
look at some of the grouped list of commands in the help file, and see if
there any use to you first...


Albert D. Kallal said:
Did you think of trying the help file? After all, of the above other
products ALSO have their production documentation in the help file.

While in the code editor, try the help menu:

The 1st option is:

Microsoft Visual Basic Help.

Select the above, and on the right see a list grouped by functions, objects,

I guess perhaps it's probably important to point out that access has the
help file split into two sections. You have end users that will use access
for years and not use any of the programming parts, therefore it would be
quite silly to overwhelm these users with all the programming concepts and
all the programming commands.

So, if you use the help system within the forms, reports etc, you'll not get
help for the coding and program development system. And, if you are in the
code editor, then you get the appropriate help for all the programming
commands you have available in MS access.

So not only is context help available in the code editor, but if you use the
above help option, you'll see a nice Grouped list on the right with things
like functions + methods, it's even alphabetically listed out for you...

There is the MSDN documentation libraries online, but perhaps you take a
look at some of the grouped list of commands in the help file, and see if
there any use to you first...


Thanks for the reply.

And, of course, I looked first in the Help menu. Well, not really first
because I would expect to find it in Tools, but Help is an option.

However, my Help menu does NOT show Microsoft Visual Basic. It shows:

Microsoft Internet Office Help
Show the Office Assistant
Access Developer Resources
Contact Us
Sample Databases
Check for Updates
Detect and Repair
Activate Product
Customer Feedback Options
About Microsoft Access

So, perhaps, the dimness of my approach was not the fault. It ain't there.

For that matter, had it shown Microsoft Visual Basic, I wouldn't likely have
looked at that item, because I'm used to help menus using standard language.
An eponymous menu item made less clear by that quality, is not standard and
in fact is vague for no good reason.

We seldom miss the fact that the software we are using is produced by

If there is another place to find the information I was hoping for, maybe
someone can help me find it.


Gina Whipp


The list you show is not in the Code Editor as Albert suggested. You need
to go to the Code Editor... look for the little blue square with what looks
like a sun in the upper left corner. Usually found when on the Form or
Reports section on the Database Container.

Gina Whipp

"I feel I have been denied critical, need to know, information!" - Tremors



Thanks for the reply.

Gina Whipp said:

The list you show is not in the Code Editor as Albert suggested. You need
to go to the Code Editor... look for the little blue square with what looks
like a sun in the upper left corner. Usually found when on the Form or
Reports section on the Database Container.

Gina Whipp

"I feel I have been denied critical, need to know, information!" - Tremors
I'm afraid I'm at a complete loss. I see no blue square. I captured a
screenshot but now see that this forum has no such facility. Oh, well, to

The cursor is on Forms. Same happens for Reports.
Upper left I see icons, in different toolbars and vertical to one another:

The Minimize/Restore icon (next to "File")
The Blank Doc icon
The "Open" icon (next to Design)
To the right of the Design icon I see a "New" icon, and clicking on it gives
me a list of types of forms.

But this is going astray. What I need now, seems to me, is to know what
criteria I can insert into fields that appear in queries. I know "Is Null",
and ">", "=" and "<", because the latter are sort of standard and the first
was told to me. But I don't know any other commands.

I'm not looking to start programming. I would like to know what criteria I
can use, and how, and how to create multiple criteria and the like. For
instance, somebody suggested using Month as a query criterion a while ago,
and it made me think there are a lot of other options in the language.

I'm sorry if I gave the impression I was anxious to start programming, I'm
not. But I want to be able to construct as sophisticated queries as I can

Thanks again.


Albert D. Kallal


Thanks for the reply.

And, of course, I looked first in the Help menu. Well, not really first
because I would expect to find it in Tools, but Help is an option.

However, my Help menu does NOT show Microsoft Visual Basic. It shows:

I did not just say look in the help, I spent a rather considerable amount of
time explaining that there is two help systems....

Apparently, you not bothered to read my post.

The help for coding and a nice laid out function list of commands is to
found when you are in the code editor.

I am not sure, but somewhere along the way you must have stopped reading my

Try hitting ctrl-g, you should get the code editor...try the 1st option in
the help menu....

It not clear what version of ms-access, but the last two 2003 and 2003, the
1st option is a visual basic reference....

I don't have 2002 or 2000 handy, so it is possible that earlier versions
don't have that help I am suggesting.

Just re-read my post again. I explained that coding and function help is
ONLY available when in the code editor. When you are in forms, then you "END
USER" help. As I stated, this makes sense as some people will use ms-access
for years without writing ANY code, and it would make little if any sense to
clutter up the help system for these users.



Albert D. Kallal said:
I did not just say look in the help, I spent a rather considerable amount of
time explaining that there is two help systems....

Apparently, you not bothered to read my post.

The help for coding and a nice laid out function list of commands is to
found when you are in the code editor.

I am not sure, but somewhere along the way you must have stopped reading my

Try hitting ctrl-g, you should get the code editor...try the 1st option in
the help menu....

It not clear what version of ms-access, but the last two 2003 and 2003, the
1st option is a visual basic reference....

I don't have 2002 or 2000 handy, so it is possible that earlier versions
don't have that help I am suggesting.

Just re-read my post again. I explained that coding and function help is
ONLY available when in the code editor. When you are in forms, then you "END
USER" help. As I stated, this makes sense as some people will use ms-access
for years without writing ANY code, and it would make little if any sense to
clutter up the help system for these users.

Thanks for the reply. I seem to have caused you some consternation
unnecessarily, mainly because of a certain clumsiness on my part.

I had no idea there was something called a Code Editor until I read your
second post. Turns out you mentioned it in your former post, but I took it to
be either a change in terminology due to a version change between whatever
version you had, and my own, or something of that sort.

And folks here have been led down an untoward path, probably because of that
clumsiness. The fact is:

I had no notion of using the Code Editor, but am now trying merely to filter
records using the Query Editor. Only.

I don't have the capacity nor the time just now to start creating code. I
have to limit my activities to things I can possibly master in an hour or

So your advice, while detailed and well-written, was something I am unable
to reach for at this time.

I apologize to all on this thread for the misunderstanding. I just wanted to
find commands that one generally finds available in most apps that handle
data tables, such as "Month()" "String()", "Contains" and the like, so I can
filter by dates and other criteria. IME, such commands are normally available
in one or more handy lists, somewhere, often variously by type (e.g., Date,
Financial, Statistical) and alphabetically.

I am told that the 2007 version has at least one such list in the Help menu,
but I have 2003, and it does not appear there.


Hello Don,

You said you don't have the capacity nor the time just now to start creating
code. If you meed to complete the application you are working on, I would
like to offer to help you. I provide fee-based help for Access, Excel and
Word applications. My fee to help you would be very modest. I would work
with you to complete the application you are working on. If you would like
my help, contact me.

(e-mail address removed)

John W. Vinson

I apologize to all on this thread for the misunderstanding. I just wanted to
find commands that one generally finds available in most apps that handle
data tables, such as "Month()" "String()", "Contains" and the like, so I can
filter by dates and other criteria. IME, such commands are normally available
in one or more handy lists, somewhere, often variously by type (e.g., Date,
Financial, Statistical) and alphabetically.

I am told that the 2007 version has at least one such list in the Help menu,
but I have 2003, and it does not appear there.

You do not actually need to build any code to follow Albert's advice. The two
annoying things are that: 1) you must open the VBA editor (e.g. by typing
Ctrl-G) in order for Access to connect you to the right Help file, and 2) the
indexing and search features of the Help file are... well... let's be polite
and say "somewhat confused", since the description that first comes to mind
isn't appropriate for this professional forum.

The information is all there, it can be hard to find. And there are no such
helpful categorized lists.

John... Visio MVP

Steve said:
Hello Don,

You said you don't have the capacity nor the time just now to start
creating code. If you meed to complete the application you are working on,
I would like to offer to help you. I provide fee-based help for Access,
Excel and Word applications. My fee to help you would be very modest. I
would work with you to complete the application you are working on. If you
would like my help, contact me.

(e-mail address removed)

These newsgroups are provided by Microsoft for FREE peer to peer support.
There are many highly qualified individuals who gladly help for free. Stevie
is not one of them, but he is the only one who just does not get the idea of
"FREE" support. He offers questionable results at unreasonable prices. If he
was any good, the "thousands" of people he claims to have helped would be
flooding him with work, but there appears to be a continuous drought and he
needs to constantly grovel for work.

A few gems gleaned from the Word New User newsgroup over the past Christmas
period and a few gems from the Access newsgroups to show Stevie's

Dec 17, 2008 7:47 pm

Word 2007 ..........
In older versions of Word you could highlght some text then go to Format -
Change Case and change the case of the hoghloghted text. Is this still
available in Word 2007? Where?
Thanks! Steve

Dec 22, 2008 8:22 pm

I am designing a series of paystubs for a client. I start in landscape and
draw a table then add columns and rows to setup labels and their
corresponding value. This all works fine. After a landscape version is
completed, I next need to design a portrait version. Rather than strating
from scratch, I'd like to be able to cut and paste from the landscape
version and design the portrait version.

Dec 24, 2008, 1:12 PM

How do you protect the document for filling in forms?

One of my favourites:
Dec 30, 2008 8:07 PM - a reply to stevie
(The original poster asked how to sort a list and stevie offered to create
the OP an Access database)
Yes, you are right but a database is the correct tool to use not a

Not at all. If it's just a simple list then a spreadsheet is perfectly

Sept 10, 2009
(In respose to a perfectly adequate GENERIC solution stevie wrote)

This function is specific to the example but not generic for any amount paid


Sept 9, 2009
Steve said:
you can then return all the characters in front of it with the Left()
fumction. Would look like:
Left("YourString",Instr("YourString","VbCr" Or "VbLf") - 1)


No, it would not look like

Left("YourString",Instr("YourString","VbCr" Or "VbLf") - 1)

First of all, the constants are vbCr and vbLf: no quotes around them. With
the quotes, you're looking for the literal strings.

Second, you can't Or together character constants like that. Even if you
could, Or'ing them together in the InStr function like that makes no sense
at all.

Sept 22,2009
Sorry Steve, even I can see that this is a useless answer. I made it pretty
clear that "CW259" is just ONE possible value for the control.

Steve said:
Hello David,

Open your report in design view and select txtOrderID. Open properties and
go to the Data tab. Put the following expression in the Control Source



John... Visio MVP



John W. Vinson said:
You do not actually need to build any code to follow Albert's advice. The two
annoying things are that: 1) you must open the VBA editor (e.g. by typing
Ctrl-G) in order for Access to connect you to the right Help file, and 2) the
indexing and search features of the Help file are... well... let's be polite
and say "somewhat confused", since the description that first comes to mind
isn't appropriate for this professional forum.

The information is all there, it can be hard to find. And there are no such
helpful categorized lists.
Thanks for the reply. I found what you and Albert were referring to.

And, in fact, it isn't terribly accessible to me. But I'm grateful for the
explanation, which you gave quite kindly.


PlarfySoober said:

Thanks for the reply. I seem to have caused you some consternation
unnecessarily, mainly because of a certain clumsiness on my part.

I had no idea there was something called a Code Editor until I read your
second post. Turns out you mentioned it in your former post, but I took it to
be either a change in terminology due to a version change between whatever
version you had, and my own, or something of that sort.

And folks here have been led down an untoward path, probably because of that
clumsiness. The fact is:

I had no notion of using the Code Editor, but am now trying merely to filter
records using the Query Editor. Only.

I don't have the capacity nor the time just now to start creating code. I
have to limit my activities to things I can possibly master in an hour or

So your advice, while detailed and well-written, was something I am unable
to reach for at this time.

I apologize to all on this thread for the misunderstanding. I just wanted to
find commands that one generally finds available in most apps that handle
data tables, such as "Month()" "String()", "Contains" and the like, so I can
filter by dates and other criteria. IME, such commands are normally available
in one or more handy lists, somewhere, often variously by type (e.g., Date,
Financial, Statistical) and alphabetically.

I am told that the 2007 version has at least one such list in the Help menu,
but I have 2003, and it does not appear there.

If you're simply looking for limits in a query then the correct term
would be criteria. If you do a search for that word in regular Access
help you will see several examples. If you don't find what you want just
make a request here. State the fields in the query and what limits you
would like to have. I'm sure someone here will be willing to help.




Thanks for the reply.

gls858 said:
If you're simply looking for limits in a query then the correct term
would be criteria. If you do a search for that word in regular Access
help you will see several examples. If you don't find what you want just
make a request here. State the fields in the query and what limits you
would like to have. I'm sure someone here will be willing to help.

OK, fair enough. I'll go try that.



Thanks for the reply.

gls858 said:
If you're simply looking for limits in a query then the correct term
would be criteria. If you do a search for that word in regular Access
help you will see several examples. If you don't find what you want just
make a request here. State the fields in the query and what limits you
would like to have. I'm sure someone here will be willing to help.

Just as you said, using Help I was finally able to find a rich source of
good information, including a couple of tutorials on the MS sites that are

Thanks a lot for your suggestion. I shall forge forth.


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