Listen to menu font change?




is there a way to detect when the user changes the menu
font? In my application I need to resize it when the user
changes the menu fonts using the "Appearance" tab in the
Display properties window. I know I can read it statically
using the System.Windows.Forms.SystemInformation.MenuFont
property, but I need some way of finding out when it
changes during runtime.



Wiktor Zychla

is there a way to detect when the user changes the menu
font? In my application I need to resize it when the user
changes the menu fonts using the "Appearance" tab in the
Display properties window. I know I can read it statically
using the System.Windows.Forms.SystemInformation.MenuFont
property, but I need some way of finding out when it
changes during runtime.

did you try to hook Microsoft.Win32.SystemEvents.UserPreferenceChanged
Regards, Wiktor


Thanks a lot, that did it!


-----Original Message-----

did you try to hook Microsoft.Win32.SystemEvents.UserPreferenceChanged
Regards, Wiktor


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