Listbox questions



I have a listbox and want to update a field in my table, here is the code
that I am using:
Dim varvalue As Variant
Dim strList946 As String
Dim strSQL As String
For Each varvalue In Me.List946.ItemsSelected
strList946 = strList946 & Me!List946.Column(0, varvalue) & ", "
Next varvalue
strList946 = Left$(strList946, Len(strList946) - 2)
strSQL = "UPDATE Table![Part A] SET Table![Part A].[Dmgd prty] = '" &
strList946 & "'"
DoCmd.RunSQL (strSQL)

My problem is that I am getting an error message on the UPDATE - can
someone assist please?


Try and drop the (Table) from the SQL

strSQL = "UPDATE [Part A] SET [Part A].[Dmgd prty] = '" &
strList946 & "'"
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL

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