Listbox prints black



I am creating a form that ultimately needs to be printed to go in a paper
file. Reading through this forum, I understand that I need the form to be
printed using a report. I copied all my form fields into a new report.
However, (and this is the same issue I encountered trying to print from the
form), my two list box fields print black. I cannot see the data. I have
tried changing the various color options in the listbox properties and can
get some colors to show on screen, but the report print image still shows the
field contents black. What is so unique about the list box that it prints
black? Would someone please provide me some guidance. I am using Access
2002. Thank you,


Don't know if this will help but try setting "display when" property (of the
listbox) to print only maybe that will do something for you.


Nope. I tried, but I need the user to fill in the field. That takes it
completely off the form, and still shows as a black field in the print image.
Thanks for trying!

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