Linq - Relation in .dbml but not in code behind




I have a db the looks like

DVD - (table)
id (primary key , identity)
categoryId (fk on Category Id)

Category (table)
Id (primary key , identity)

DvdID (fk on DVD id)

when i drop the 3 table on dbml the 3 tables and 2 associations are
but when i look at the code behind i only have entyref in category
(EntityRef<DVD>) and DVD (EntityRef<Category>)
why is it that i don't have the relations in Tag(EntityRef<DVD>) and
DVD (EntityRef<Tag>)

the way the code is generated i can't call dvd.Tags even if the
relations is on the dbml

any idea why ?

i even tried with

a relations table

Tag table to
id(primary key, identity)

DVDTag (tabl)
DVDId (fk on DVD id)
TagId (fk on TagId)

the table and relations are created on dbml but not EntityRef in code

maybe i'm just approching the tag feature the wrong way

thanks for the help

Marc Gravell

On the designer, select the relationship between DVD (parent) and TAG
(child), and ensure that "Child Property" is true (and is called
Tags). You might also want to check the cardinality (I've assumed
1:many); and also check that the data-types have come over

(note that I reproduced just from the designer, so there may be some
subtle differences to your SqlMetal output)

In the dbml, this should be an entry something like (looking at the
DVD_TAG entry) below.

Any help?


<Table Name="DVD" Member="DVDs">
<Type Name="DVD">
<Column Name="ID" Type="System.Int32" DbType="int"
IsPrimaryKey="true" CanBeNull="false" />
<Column Name="CategoryID" Type="System.Int32" DbType="int"
CanBeNull="false" />
<Association Name="DVD_TAG" Member="Tags" OtherKey="DvdID"
Type="TAG" />
<Association Name="CATEGORY_DVD" Member="Category"
ThisKey="CategoryID" Type="CATEGORY" IsForeignKey="true" />

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