Linksys Wireless-G Support RC1 5600 - Answers



this comment was created for anyone having the same problem as me. If you are
using a Linksys Wireless Adapter product (it does not matter which one), you
Will NOT BE ABLE TO GO WIRELESS using the 64BIT OS, this is under no
Circumstances! this is a LINKSYS problem, PLEASE do not be so NAIVE, and
blame this on Microsoft, if microsoft does come out with a fix for this good
for them. But linksys admits to lacking 64Bit OS support, they are developing
it. I am old School and i understand that technology comes out at lightning
fast speeds...and well sometimes full testing or support will suffer! this
will get fixed, but for the meantime, try a different brand or just plug
directly, if you built a computer or own one fast enough to run Vista RC1, im
sure we can figure it out. just stating my opinion


I have a Linksys WUSBF54G and it worked fine under 64-Bit Vista, my video
card was another thing though...


You are correct, my fault for not clarrifying, anyone who is using a PCI
adapter cannot get drivers, the USB work Fine. thanks for the Info!

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