Linking to non-JPEG images on web in Access report?



Hi all -- very much a newbie, so please bear with me on this.

I created a report in Access using a table which contains a field with links
to images on the web.

As suggested by others, I've created a picturebox and updated the code in
the report to update the image in the box to Me.[imageLink].

When the images exist on my local machine, the report pulls up the images
just fine. However, the moment I update my source table with "http://..."
links, Access gives me an error 2020 and is unable to pull up those images (I
removed my error handling code just to check).

I think I've figured out that the issue is that the images I am linking to
do not have any file extensions (like .jpg). For example (this is not one I
am using), this is one of the URLs that fails to load an image in the report:$product_list$

Is there any way to make Access open this as an image in the report?

Thanks so much in advance!

Douglas J. Steele

AFAIK, Access doesn't know about the HTTP protocol (nor the FTP one, for
that matter).

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