Linking to MSN Spaces from messenger problems



For some reason I can't see the links to contacts' MSN spaces in MSN
Messenger v7.5. Also, I keep getting errors in IE when I try to access my
space from the MY Space button in Messenger. The stars indicating updated
contacts' spaces don't appear any more and their spaces information on their
personal cards doesn't appear either.
I have Norton Internet Security ionstalled, but my firewall is set to allow
everything on MSN.
Any tips?

Michael Nemtsev

Hello Mervkiwi007,

This isn't a messenger group, ask messenger tech support about this issue

M> For some reason I can't see the links to contacts' MSN spaces in MSN
M> Messenger v7.5. Also, I keep getting errors in IE when I try to
M> access my
M> space from the MY Space button in Messenger. The stars indicating
M> updated
M> contacts' spaces don't appear any more and their spaces information
M> on their
M> personal cards doesn't appear either.
M> I have Norton Internet Security ionstalled, but my firewall is set to
M> allow
M> everything on MSN.
M> Any tips?
M> Thanx!!
Michael Nemtsev :: blog:

"At times one remains faithful to a cause only because its opponents do not
cease to be insipid." (c) Friedrich Nietzsche

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