Linking to another website - graphics & changing programatically



I had the following code in the HTML piece of my default.aspx page:

<TD><IMG alt="ProductGroup1" id="img1" runat="server" height="100"
<TD><IMG alt="ProductGroup2" id="img2" runat="server" height="100"
<TD><IMG alt="ProductGroup3" id="img3" runat="server" height="100"

and I had the following code in the codebehind part of the page to
populate the id fields in the html piece:

currmonth = Month(Now())
If (currmonth < "10") Or (currmonth < 10) Then
currmonth = "0" + currmonth
End If

curryear = Year(Now())
curryear = Right(curryear, 2)

fafilename = "fi_" + currmonth + curryear + ".jpg"
amfilename = "am_" + currmonth + curryear + ".jpg"
axfilename = "ax_" + currmonth + curryear + ".jpg"
lit1 = "" + fafilename
lit2 = "" + amfilename
lit3 = "" + axfilename

img1.Src = String.Format(lit1)
img2.Src = String.Format(lit2)
img3.Src = String.Format(lit3)

I had done this to keep my website looking similar to the company's
website, to give it more of a familiar feel to it.

I thought I had figured out the naming conventions - which they
generally adhere to - up until today.

They slipped one in on me & re-used some graphics that they had out there.

Is there a way for me to parse the html looking for that pattern
(fi_xxyy.jpg, am_xxyy.jpg, ax_xxyy.jpg), and put in my code above
whatever they decide to go with?

I'm wanting to keep my website resembling the company's main website,
but don't want to have to wait until they change each month in order to
get it, and then apply an unneccessary change to my own dotnet website.

Any ideas?



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