Linking to a secured DB


AJ Raiber

I have secured a database using user level security. I
have two mail-merge documents that need to link to a table
in this secured database. How can I do this?

AJ RAiber

I tried what you have suggested here, but it does not
work. I have imported the modules and the forms into my
test DB (just like my regular DB only not secured yet).
Every time I try to link a button to your procedure I get
a debug error within the procedure. I have gotten the

expected endsub

and one telling me that part of the code was a user
defined item with no definition.

I do not know Visual basic yet, but am trying to learn.
Any other suggestions here?

AJ Raiber

Which two forms? Maybe that is my problem. The are 4
forms in the sample DB. The second issue might have to do
with a missing form, but I don't think so. The sample
works fine, but the code won't go through in my DB. I
have no other modules or anything that could interfere?!?

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