linking crystal report to ado dotnet dataset


Colin Graham

I have recently created a report in crystal(10) linking to a dataset
as the datasource. I notice however that the fields available in the
report all have STRING format and therefore i cannot change format in
crystal(10) e.g. I wish to change a date field to have the format

The main problem here is that the dataset seems to store data only as
string. Is there anyway i can avoid this.

Many thanks,

colin Graham

Sahil Malik


The solution is to use a "Strongly Typed Dataset". You can find more info on
that in my book (or other ADO.NET books).

Once you do create a strongly typed dataset, in the datasource for your
crystal report, specify the XML as the datasource, and it will generate the
appropriate fields and relevant code behind. Then it's just a matter of drag
drop the right fields to the crystal report, and databind the proper
instance at runtime.

- Sahil Malik
You can reach me thru my blog at

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