Linking an Access form to a Word document



I have a need to link the forms in my database to a Word document- while I
have figured out how to do this, I need to link EACH CUSTOMER in my database
to a new Word document, because I need to record the history for each
customer- Access has a 255 character limit, and I need a whole lot more than
that to record each clients history. HELP!!!

John Nurick


This is almost certainly the wrong way to do what you need. If you want
more than 255 characters in order to keep notes on each customer, use a
Memo field rather than a Text field.

If you want to keep a proper history of your dealings with each
customer, it's best to do so in a separate table that can have multiple
records for each record in your customers table (like the Customers and
Orders tables in the Northwind sample database that comes with Access).

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