linked tables with SQLEXPRESS all show #DELETED



I've built a database with SQLEXPRESS and all the tables are working fine.

Using Access I can connect as a 'New Project using existing data" but if I
try to create a normal Access MDB and just link to the tables using ODBC and
the SQL Server all the records appear with the cell marked as #DELETED

I can even enter records but when they are re-displayed they show as

Is there some setting I have missing

Many thanks for any help recieved

Matthias Klaey

phil said:
I've built a database with SQLEXPRESS and all the tables are working fine.

Using Access I can connect as a 'New Project using existing data" but if I
try to create a normal Access MDB and just link to the tables using ODBC and
the SQL Server all the records appear with the cell marked as #DELETED

I can even enter records but when they are re-displayed they show as

Is there some setting I have missing

Many thanks for any help recieved

This can happen if your SQL tables contain fields with a data type
that is "too big" for Access to handle.

Matthias Kläy

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