Linked slide only plays sound on first access


Tom Hintz

PowerPoint 2003 presentation has multiple slides with links between them.
Each slide has a unique sound associated with it. The first time a slide is
displayed by linking to it, the sound works correctly and is heard. If the
same slide is linked to at a later time in the same presentation, the sound
is not heard, only silence. What must be done to have the sound reoccur
every time the slide is accessed through a link? Thanks...


There's an excellent tutorial on this very subject see
"Using custom shows > make sure animations play on second visit"

-- Amazing PPT Hints, Tips and Tutorials-


Another simple solution is to attach the sound to a transition, instead of
placing it on the slide. But you'll be limited to WAV files, unfortunately.

A more complex solution is in this tip: "Create hyperlinks in a timed
presentation," at
The reason we're giving you solutions related to animation is that both sound
and animation refuse to play the second time the slide is displayed.

Author of How to Do Everything with PowerPoint 2007

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