Linkage data between two spreadsheet



hi all!

Can anyone help to solve the follow problem:

Spreadsheet A has the follow column:

Spreadsheet B has
-Unit Price

PartNo in both table are related and unique.
There are thousand of data in each spreadsheet. It is impossible to us
the if statement to join two tables, Also.. I understand it can us
Access to do it very easily, but I do not want to use Access... can
do it in Excel?
Pls help...

How can I join these two tables into one table, has all thos
information, as:
New spreadsheet
-Unit Price

Thank you very much for any suggestion

Paul Sheppard

vitality said:
hi all!

Can anyone help to solve the follow problem:

Spreadsheet A has the follow column:

Spreadsheet B has
-Unit Price

PartNo in both table are related and unique.
There are thousand of data in each spreadsheet. It is impossible to us
the if statement to join two tables, Also.. I understand it can us
Access to do it very easily, but I do not want to use Access... can
do it in Excel?
Pls help...

How can I join these two tables into one table, has all thos
information, as:
New spreadsheet
-Unit Price

Thank you very much for any suggestion.

Hi Vitality

Use the VLOOKUP Function

Assuming data in spreadsheet A is columns A-C, make column D Part Nam
and Column E Quantity

In cell D2 enter this formula >

=VLOOKUP(A2,[Spreadsheet B]Sheet1!$A$1:$C$1000,2,0)

A2 is the cell reference of the Part No in Spreadsheet B, [Spreadshee
B]Sheet 1 is the actual name of Spreadsheet B and the Sheet Name wher
the data is stored, $A$1:$C$1000 is the range for your data, 2 is th
column number counting from the left that contains the Part Name, and
is to avoid problems with similar part numbers

You need to change the formula to suit your data and then copy dow
column D

In Column E2 enter this formula >

=VLOOKUP(A2,[Spreadsheet B]Sheet1!$A$1:$C$1000,3,0)

You need to change the formula to suit your data and then copy dow


One way is to use VLOOKUP

Assuming the tables in sheets A & B
are in cols A to C, data from row2 down

In sheet: A
Paste the lables into D1:E1 : PartName, UnitPrice

Put in D2:

Copy D2 across to E2, fill down as far as required
Format col E as currency

The above will bring over the PartName & UnitPrice
data from sheet B's cols B and C into sheet A's cols D and E

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