link worksheets must all be open?



looks like links don't work if source and destination worksheets are no open.
Any way to link an open destination to a closed source?


They don't have to both be open, but it makes things easier.

If you know the full path to the workbook to be linked to then you can set
the formula up manually. For example, if you had 2 workbooks open and linked
to one named Book2.xls the formula might look like:
but when Book2.xls gets closed, then the formula might turn into something
='C:\Documents and Settings\aUserName\My Documents\[Book2.xls]Sheet1'!$A$1

If you know what it's going to look like when the other book is closed, you
can set up the formula to it manually, i.e. by typing it into the cell (or
even creating a formula in VBA code).


hi Dale

Yes You Can
An Example

='C:\Users\Welcome\Stewarts Files\Road accounting program\Road Accounting
Package\Road Managers Package\[Tour Managers Spreadsheet.xls]Tour managers

The indirect function does not work if the source is closed

Morefunc is an add in which gives indirect .ext as a funtion that will
access a closed workbook however it has never worked for me

Hope this helps


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