Link to exchange contact list



Access 2003.

Need to link to exchange contact list for read and write purposes.

A user can link read/write to Outlook contact list but cannot read/write a
contact list located on an Exchange server even though it can be updated from
Outlook with the same user login.

Access has a handy way to link to an exchange database. You can use the
"Exchange()" file type from the link browser window. This opens another
browser window which connects to Exchange and you are presented with a choice
of address lists. These are the same address lists that you find in the
Outlook address book.

You can read and write to an address or contact list that is local to the
user(held in a local .pst file) but you cannot write to address lists that
are located on the exchange server.

Thanks in advance.

Bill Mosca, MS Access MVP


Users usually do not have permissions to alter the Exchange list whether in
Outlook or not. This list is maintained through the Exchange server. I don't
think you can establish permissions on the data through a linked table.


Thanks Bill,

This is a list that was created in a shared folder in exchange by an outlook
user. It can be edited and updated from Outlook. I.E. This logon has the
right to edit because the permission level was set using the Exchange manager
Public Folder Store
Public Folders
Contact list Name

According to advice received in the MS exchange forum this is the correct
way of sharing a contact list with exchange. You give everyone right to a
common list this way.

In any case, the issue is not creating the editable list any longer. The
issue is how to connect to it for read/write purposes using Access. I suppose
that the MSAccess2k3 Exchange Link facility may be read only on a list that
is held in the exchange managed store but it is read/write on a list that is
held locally in a PST file.

Does that make sense. It seems to me that if there is no interface for user
name and password then the Exchange Link facility is using the current login
to connect to the exchange server because exchange is a secure server. Is it
not? How could it even see an exchange held list if it weren't connecting to
the exchange server using the current login as Outlook does.

I considered the possibility that Access is connecting to some kind of
local, perhaps cached List. It does show exactly the same list as the Outlook
Address book shows. In this case, Outlook might be using a secure means of
connecting to the exchange server to synchronize the list to a cached local
object perhaps held in the registry. I did notice that access can display the
same address book as well as all Outlook folders even if Outlook is not
running on the local machine. Also, it appears that if I choose to connect to
an inbox or contact list on a folder that is located on a different server,
the access exchange link facility will attempt to connect to the server
before it creates the link object. It appears to use the same login
information as listed in an Outlook account that is used to connect to the

The error message that is generated when attemting to edit a table is the
following: "You do not have the necessary permissions to ue the " object.
Have your system administrator or the person who created this object
establish the appropriate permission for you."

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