Line chart problem sorry..



Hit wrong button
Here is problem again:

Year Numbers
2003 1254
2002 2376
2001 2143

I select info and go thru chart wizard. On the cat x axis
I expect see the years but get a sequence of numbers
unrelated to the Year column and also of less entris that
are in year column.
I have formatted the columns as text can anyone help with
this please?

Jon Peltier

Kit -

Excel cannot chart text, it insists on numbers. Format at least the
Numbers column as numerical values. If you are making a line or column
chart, the years don't matter, but if you're making an XY Scatter chart,
you have to turn those into numbers also. If you have not imposed a
horizontal alignment, numbers are right aligned, and text is left
aligned. If the numbers are still left aligned after changing the
format, you need to convert them back into numbers. Copy a blank cell,
select the numbers, and from the Edit menu, choose Paste Special, using
the Values and Operations - Add options.

For additional robustness, select the cell that contains the word "Year"
and press Delete. Now select the range and make a chart. In step 2 of
the wizard, make sure the By Columns option is selected.

- Jon
Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
Peltier Technical Services
Tutorials and Custom Solutions

Bernard Liengme

Are you making a Line chart? If so delete the cell with Year; Excel is
plotting Year and Numbers again st 1,2,3,....

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