LimitToList Error



I have a field on Project form that stores the department code.
On data entry form, I have setup the row source to show me the list
of departments from department table.

I have setup the row source property = select dept_code, dept_name from
bound column =1
Limit to List = Yes

and the Column width property is 0", 1.9"
List width = 1.9"

it works just fine, it displays only the department name and upon selection,
it stores the correct department code in this data entry table.

Now I have a need to allow users to either select the department from the
list or
enter free text.

when I try to change the Limit to List = NO, I get error
"The first visible column, which is determined by the ColumWidths property,
isn't equal to the bound column. Adjust the ColumnWidths property first, and
then set the LimitToList Property".

My original Column width property is 0", 1.9"

If I change it to something like Column width property = 0.25", 1.9"
I can set the LimitToList Property to "NO"
But when I launch the form it doesn't show me the department name, it shows
the department code.

What can I change to display the department name and store the department code
in my table as before? and also allow free text entry whenever users don't
want to select the department from the list.

Or its design issue and isn't possible, I will have to store the department
in the Project table?

Thank you,

ruralguy via

You can set your ColumnWidth to 0.0000001";1.9" for the visual effect you
want but what DepartmentCode do you expect to store when they create their
own name?


What could a user possibly select other than an existing department code? If
they enter some value that is not in the list, what do you want to happen?
Do you want to create a new department or what?

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