Limiting input with input box



Hi I'm doing a school project and I'm trying to find a way to limit wha
the user enters into the input box...for example,

Sub Log_On()
Dim bText As String
' here is the INPUTBOX-function :
bText = InputBox("Please Type Your Name", "Username")
' here is the INPUTBOX-method :
bText = Application.InputBox("Please Enter Your Password"
MsgBox "You typed the following password:" & Chr(13) & _
bText & Chr(13), , "Login Details"
End Sub

Therefore, I want to limit the user to be only allowed to enter ''abc
into the password field.. How can I tweak my formula to allow me to d
that? Also, if teh user types in teh wrong password, I don't want th
macro to take him to the 'Hardware' sheet, I want it to stay in te
same sheet.

Thanks a lot.

Dave Peterson

Usually when you're checking passwords, you want the user to type whatever they
want--but you want to verify it before your code does something for them.

Sub Log_On()

Dim UserNameText As String
dim PWDText as string
Dim RealPWD as string

RealPWD = "abc"

UserNameText = InputBox("Please Type Your Name", "Username")

PWDText = Application.InputBox("Please Enter Your Password", "Password")

MsgBox "You typed the following password:" & Chr(13) & _
PWDText & Chr(13), , "Login Details"

if pwdtext <> realpwd then
msgbox "no, no, no!
end if

End Sub

Be aware that this kind of stuff in excel is very simple to overcome by anyone
who is really interested.

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