Lighten WinXP ?





Running as an account with Admin privileges is the same as being logged in
as Admin, so you run the same risk.

Not that I blame you - I often run into problems when I create a limited
user account for someone, only to find a program won't run unless it's under
an admin account, or more annoyingly exits without any message.

This is more to do with lazy programming than XPs fault.

I did have one user with a limited account install an old version of
quicktime which managed to make system wide changes.

That seems like XPs fault to me.
How many of you *knowledgeable* people (by your own yardstick) have
completely wiped out XP, or 9x by having made a simple mistake, as Admin or
having Admin rights ?

Bottom line is that one often needs Admin privileges to use XP as one wishes
to. It matters not whether it's XP's 'fault" (and we *know* XP is
spotless/faultless, don't we ?), or "lazy programming (none of that at MS,
of course).


Eugenia said:
"d'oh". Almost, but no quite, helpful. <roll-eyes> An improvement, but
frankly, you started off on a bad note with me and have thus far - though
more civil in your manner - offered nothing I didn't already know.

As for your <that's a possessive pronoun> being "...sure there are web sites
dealing with making XP run with the least overhead.", you offered no links
(probably because I didn't give you a head start, such as I did at Secunia).
That is not an "invitation" to you anyway, so please don't bother - I can
manage by myself.

Yes... too bad you didn't start off on a more positive, less slanderous
tenor; we'd not be where we have now arrived.


Try this:


Eugenia said:
Is it possible to have WinXP lightened up; to have only two accounts ? To
remove entirely - along with all associated folders, etc. - any excess
*useless/needless* accounts ? I'm the only user; no-one else uses or will
ever use this machine.

I've heard that one must keep the "guest account". <roll-eyes>. One probably
should need to maintain both an Admin account (OK) and one other account. Is
this true ?

I see in D:\Documents and Settings:
All Users
Default User

and finally, "my user name" (my 'account')

Anyway, there seems to be a excess of bloat I don't want or will ever need
as far as "users" and accounts. Wish MS would have made XP for *one user*
and not an entire brigade. :-/

Thanks for any help or comments.

Don't want bloat? Try Ubuntu. Check it out at
It's free and comes with access to over 20,000 free programs.


You give me the impression that you would like Microsoft to create an OS
personally for you.
The business doesn't work that way. The OS is written to handle numerous
situations, programs, levels of security,
individual needs, wants etc.etc.etc.
If there is too much 'bloat' for you simply visit Microsoft and contract
them to write an OS to your specs.


Unknown said:
You give me the impression that you would like Microsoft to create an OS
personally for you.
The business doesn't work that way. The OS is written to handle numerous
situations, programs, levels of security,
individual needs, wants etc.etc.etc.
If there is too much 'bloat' for you simply visit Microsoft and contract
them to write an OS to your specs.
"Eugenia" wrote: > <snipped>

Hey unknown top-poster: I didn't offer to you, nor did I "give" you
anything; you took it upon yourself to interpret it the way you have. That's
*your problem*, not mine.

But yeah, I'd like that. Now that you've jumped in with your barren comment,
why don't you take your energies for useless interference to the next
level - turn that 180° - and contact MS for me and make that request on my
behalf (Whilst emphasizing the *individual needs and wants* aspect and
de-emphasizing the "good for everyone" angle)?

If that's too much for you, g'wan and peddle your papers somewhere else,


I don't know what you want or expect from an OS and I'm convinced you don't
either. So you have given me an absolutely impossible task. Perhaps if you
continue complaining about all the bloat someone will have pity on you and
write you an OS.

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