Letter Wizard



I am trying to customize a letter that I often have to change certin peices
of the content. I am trying to find a option like letter wizard to work with.
When useing letter wizard I noticed it only lets you change certin feilds ex.
address, sender etc. I need to change additional information throughout my
document on a regular basic.
I have used mail merge, but I do not want to have to have an excel
spreadsheet with all of the information. I am using Microsoft Office Word 2003

Beth Melton

The fields you see in the Letter Wizard are created using AutoText
that is associated with a specific style.

You can add the same ability by inserting AutoTextList fields for
those areas where your information will change. Once they are inserted
it's just a matter of right-clicking the field and selecting the text.

For more on how to create an AutoTextList field take a look at this

Please post all follow-up questions to the newsgroup. Requests for
assistance by email can not be acknowledged.

Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP

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