Less Templates in VS2005 than VS2008



I am using the Professional version.

In VS2005, in a C++/CLI project, to create a new item, there were 9
templates and in VS2008 there are only 3 templates.

For example, now the template for DataSet or Stored Procedure does not exist
in VS2008.

This is definitive or in next dates there will be more templates?

David Wilkinson

Tomas said:
I am using the Professional version.

In VS2005, in a C++/CLI project, to create a new item, there were 9
templates and in VS2008 there are only 3 templates.

For example, now the template for DataSet or Stored Procedure does not exist
in VS2008.

This is definitive or in next dates there will be more templates?


I am not sure, but I fear that this may be a result of the de-emphasis
of C++/CLI as a first-class language for .NET GUI applications.


It can be that Microsoft leaves the idea of C++/CLI since did with the
previous version managed c++?

David Wilkinson

Tomas said:
It can be that Microsoft leaves the idea of C++/CLI since did with the
previous version managed c++?


No, not C++/CLI. Just C++/CLI as a language for building .NET GUI

Jeffrey Tan[MSFT]

Hi Tomas,

Can you tell me which path do you refer to? I assume you mean the following
paths: File->New->Project... ->Other Languages ->Visual C++ -> CLR

However, in this path, we did not have the DataSet or Stored Procedure
project types in both VS2005 or VS2008, so I am not sure which project
templates you are referring to.

Additionally, I am not sure if your problem is professional version
specific, I am checking the paths in the Enterprise version of VS2005 and

Anyway, I will wait for your further clarify. Thanks.

Best regards,
Jeffrey Tan
Microsoft Online Community Support
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Jeffrey said:
Hi Tomas,

Can you tell me which path do you refer to? I assume you mean the following
paths: File->New->Project... ->Other Languages ->Visual C++ -> CLR

Come on, we are VC coders here, CLR in not in Other Language, the C#
things appear in Other Languages :)
However, in this path, we did not have the DataSet or Stored Procedure
project types in both VS2005 or VS2008, so I am not sure which project
templates you are referring to.

Additionally, I am not sure if your problem is professional version
specific, I am checking the paths in the Enterprise version of VS2005 and

Anyway, I will wait for your further clarify. Thanks.

I can try giving a clarify:

1) Create a new project in both VS2005 and VS2008:
File -> New -> Project -> Visual C++ -> CLR -> Windows Form Application

2) After creation, right click on the project, in pop menu, shoosing
Add -> New Item -> Data.

3) Compare the items in VS2005 and VS2008.

Jeffrey Tan[MSFT]

Hi Tomas and count0,

Thanks, I will give it a check and research, I will get back to you ASAP.

Best regards,
Jeffrey Tan
Microsoft Online Community Support


All my applications are for databases .

This is an authentic disaster.

If there is no support for databases, what we must do the companies that we
developed this type of applications, look for another product, another

David Wilkinson

Tomas said:
All my applications are for databases .

This is an authentic disaster.

If there is no support for databases, what we must do the companies that we
developed this type of applications, look for another product, another


I think the party line is that you should use C# or VB.NET to develop
..NET GUI code.


David, the problem is exactly that.

I'm happy with the turn back from MS to support native C++, but they *must*
continue to maintain C++/CLI as a first .NET language. Now if they are
dropped database support for C++/CLI, they drop XAML from C++/CLI, C++/CLI
is dead just when it is gaining a good market quota.

I really cannot understand this "forward run" until... what? Force us to get
back to Borland? Linux?

C++/CLI compiler is much better than C# compiler (IMHO C# compiler is a toy
that "interprets" code), C++/CLI binaries are faster than C# ones, but MS is
forcing us to use C# for all.

The nonsense of that reach until use a tiny C# to develop microdevices (.NET
Micro Framework). How many devices are using .NET Micro?

David Wilkinson said:

I think the party line is that you should use C# or VB.NET to develop .NET
GUI code.

Microsoft Visual C++ MVP
Mi blog sobre programación: http://geeks.ms/blogs/rfog
Mi blog sobre literatura: http://rfog.blogsome.com
Libros, ciencia ficción y programación
El amor es ciego.
-- Refrán.

Ben Voigt [C++ MVP]

RFOG said:
David, the problem is exactly that.

I'm happy with the turn back from MS to support native C++, but they
*must* continue to maintain C++/CLI as a first .NET language. Now if they
are dropped database support for C++/CLI, they drop XAML from C++/CLI,
C++/CLI is dead just when it is gaining a good market quota.

They have not "dropped database support for C++/CLI". First, it is not the
database that supports the client language, it is the client language that
must provide libraries for the database. Next, C++/CLI has full access to
all .NET libraries and more CLR features than either C# or VB.NET. This
includes database access. The announcement clearly states "existing code
will continue to work".

Database support has been dropped from the C++/CLI editor, but that's
because most people preferred something like codesmith over the MS-provided
wizard anyway. You are of course free to define your own template or wizard
for the editor according to your preferences.

PS: AFAIK, the C++/CLI tools never supported XAML, so you can't say they
dropped support for it. Still, WPF is usable from C++/CLI (imperatively).
Some third-party solution will probably spring up to provide better
declarative WPF support than a MS-provided XAML editor would have anyway.


the editor according to your preferences.
PS: AFAIK, the C++/CLI tools never supported XAML, so you can't say they
dropped support for it. Still, WPF is usable from C++/CLI (imperatively).
Some third-party solution will probably spring up to provide better
declarative WPF support than a MS-provided XAML editor would have anyway.
Sorry, my English is not so good, and some times I think one thing and say
other, but the final thing is: C++/CLI doesn't direct support XAML by a lack
of partial class and codeDOM. I'm not interested in thechnical stuff now,
the simply concept is: There are a lot of things that can be done with C#
that cannot be done with C++/CLI, and those things are the new things. Then,
to me and today, C++/CLI has converted a second class .NET language.

Of course, there are a lot of things that can be donde wiht C++/CLI that
cannot be done with other .NET languages, but those things are in the nature
of C++, and casually the *new cool* things of VS2K8 aren't directly
supported in C++/CLI.

And of course again, you can do any WPF program in C++/CLI: like old good
(ugh!) days: by hand and typing al the code, but then C++/CLI becomes IMHO
in a second class .NET language.
Microsoft Visual C++ MVP
Mi blog sobre programación: http://geeks.ms/blogs/rfog
Mi blog sobre literatura: http://rfog.blogsome.com
Libros, ciencia ficción y programación
El amor es ciego.
-- Refrán.

Ben Voigt [C++ MVP]

RFOG said:
the editor according to your preferences.
Sorry, my English is not so good, and some times I think one thing and say
other, but the final thing is: C++/CLI doesn't direct support XAML by a
lack of partial class and codeDOM. I'm not interested in thechnical stuff
now, the simply concept is: There are a lot of things that can be done
with C# that cannot be done with C++/CLI, and those things are the new
things. Then, to me and today, C++/CLI has converted a second class .NET

Of course, there are a lot of things that can be donde wiht C++/CLI that
cannot be done with other .NET languages, but those things are in the
nature of C++, and casually the *new cool* things of VS2K8 aren't directly
supported in C++/CLI.

And of course again, you can do any WPF program in C++/CLI: like old good
(ugh!) days: by hand and typing al the code, but then C++/CLI becomes IMHO
in a second class .NET language.

Then it's the editor, not the language, that's second class.

Lack of partial classes hasn't stopped C++ GUI editors in the past, using
magic comments or the like to indicate where the wizard can change code...
or #include provides all the functionality of partial classes and then some.
Or mix-ins, which C++ templates enable.

The reason for dropping the database wizards from the C++ editor seems to be
that the existing support was so horrid that people turned to third-party
addins en masse. Of course you can still do that.

If there really is a market for database wizards for C++, then DevExpress or
one of the other addin vendors will surely fill the need.

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