Ledger form



We maintain school database in excel. The payment particulars are updated
daily, which includes stu-Id, stu-Name, pay-date, Amount, Rcpt-No. Id and
Name are extracted from database using VLOOKUP. Is there any way apart from
pivot table to get the Ledger form of student pay details, if i select the
stu-Id. Can we use worksheet functions for this?
With thanks

Bob Phillips

You could have a separate worksheet or a form that gets activated when you
select the student id and this could automatically get the details.

Give more info of the data and we can help you show something.



(there's no email, no snail mail, but somewhere should be gmail in my addy)


Thank you Mr. Bob. Here are my database details.
The work book contains two sheets by name school and rcpt. The school sheet
has the details of the pupils viz, id, name, the three term amounts they have
to pay, the paid terms amounts and balance amounts in different coulumns and
the other data such as phone No. etc., The RCPT sheet contains the daily
update of payments. The sheet uses VLOOKUP when i enter the ID to extract
Name and Balance of term fees. The other columns in this sheet are pay
details of the terms which will be imported to SCHOOL using SUMIF function to
update the paid fees and Balances. What i want is if i enter the ID i want
to know the dates of payment and the amounts and other details just as LEDGER
Are the details enough or what more details you want i will share with you.
With Regards


Thank you Mr. Bob. Here are my database details.
The work book contains two sheets by name school and rcpt. The school sheet
has the details of the pupils viz, id, name, the three term amounts they have
to pay, the paid terms amounts and balance amounts in different coulumns and
the other data such as phone No. etc., The RCPT sheet contains the daily
update of payments. The sheet uses VLOOKUP when i enter the ID to extract
Name and Balance of term fees. The other columns in this sheet are pay
details of the terms which will be imported to SCHOOL using SUMIF function to
update the paid fees and Balances. What i want is if i enter the ID i want
to know the dates of payment and the amounts and other details just as LEDGER
Are the details enough or what more details you want i will share with you.
Pls help me
With Regards

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