Leap Year Blues



I am creating an attendance chart. Using ex. A1= January 1,2006 and each
cell going forward is A2=A1+1,A3=A2+1 etc... When it comes to March 1st, it
is derived from Feb. 28th. I need to leave a blank cell between the two
dates, that will only be calculated during leap year, so as not to throw off
the calander.

Niek Otten

I don't know your layout, but Excel knows exactly which years are leap years, so probably you don't have to do anything special.

Bernard Liengme

For my test I had Feb 28 in cell E1, so adjust as needed
I kept the A1+1 series except for cells F1 and G1
In F1 =IF(MOD(YEAR(E1),4)=0,E1+1,"") This leaves the cell blank when not a
leap year
in G1 =IF(MOD(YEAR(E1),4)=0,E1+2,E1+1)

Yes, I do know how to do a real leap year test but I do not expect the
worksheet to survive 100 years!
best wishes

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