Launching an EXE from ASP.Net



Whenever I launch an application from, the exe shows up in Task Manager, but the GUI never displays. I've tried it many different ways using the system.diagnostics.process class and nothing works. I even tried launching notepad.exe and all I got was 8 separate instances of notepad.exe in the Task Manager. And when I tried to kill the applications, it gave me an "Access Denied" message box

Can anyone shed a little light on this issue?

bruce barker

programs started from a service (like iis) do not have access to the
desktop, so cannot open a window.

-- bruce (

rozdelisi said:
Whenever I launch an application from, the exe shows up in Task
Manager, but the GUI never displays. I've tried it many different ways using
the system.diagnostics.process class and nothing works. I even tried
launching notepad.exe and all I got was 8 separate instances of notepad.exe
in the Task Manager. And when I tried to kill the applications, it gave me
an "Access Denied" message box.

Roz DeLisi

Thanks Bruce...I understand now. And when a application is started from
a service, I would then assume you can't kill it...only the service that
created it can kill it. Thanks again.

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