launch file with different programs but same extension.


Peter Rilling

When I installed VS.NET, I noticed that the solution files (having the
extension .sln) seem to know what version of the ide created it. If I have
previous version, the icon changes and when double-clicked, it seems to know
which IDE to launch. Anyone know how this is done?

The Grim Reaper

I believe that the devenv.exe (the IDE) simply reads the contents of the
..sln file and makes a decision based on the content.
Open a .sln file with Notepad, and it should become blindingly obvious!

Peter Rilling

What about the icon? It changes based on the version placing a little
version number over the icon. Is that just a shell extension that gets

The Grim Reaper

I didn't think about the icon! Good point!
VS takes so long to install, I guess it's doing something complex with
Windows and the shell!

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