Latest XP update patch - Frontpage



I have searched the posts back to 10 Dec 03, and found
comments that the latest Windows XP Security Update
(KB 810217)- "A security issue has been identified in
FrontPage Server Extensions..." is not compulsory if I
don't have Frontpage.
Well, I think I don't have Frontpage (can someone tell me
what it is?).
My problem is - the update patch keeps appearing in the
screen bottom bar, how do I delete it? I have tried left
click, right click, Ctrl+clicks, Shift+clicks, Task
Manager, all to no avail. Can someone give some advice,
please? The update patch pops up everyday, and it remains
sitting permanently on the bottom bar the whole day.


Curtis Koenig [MSFT]

Hi Bob,
You can have the FrontPage Server Extensions without having FrontPage
itself. These components are built into several other products (including
other office products). Its a good idea to go ahead and install this patch
as you may have other software (or operating system components) that have
this and could be vulnerable.
Curtis Koenig
Support Engineer
Product Support Services, Security Team

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