Large Save As Word 2007 Files



When saving Word files within Word 2007 as .docx files and .doc
files,all of a sudden these files are now in the region of 1.7Mb
upwards.Why,and how can I get them back to the small Kb sizes the Save
As were previously? Thanks in advance.

Terry Farrell

What size is a new document with just a single character when saved as a


Thanks Terry.Really appreciate your prompt response because my Zip
disk is rapidly filling up with a mere handful of Word 2007 *.docx
Save As.

1817 Kb with just one single character saved.Hope you can point me in
the right direction as previous *.docx Save As have not been anything
as large as this

Terry Farrell

An empty docx file should only be around 13kb. So find your normal.dotx and
rename it normal.bad. Restart Word and test again.



Thanks for that Terry.Although it took me a bit of 'hunting down' that
normal.dotx file which despite engaging XP's Search engine not being
able to locate it,I managed to re-name and carried out another single
character Save As docx,and it was down to 10Kb,more like it.

Thanks again.

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