Large file size problem...



Hi all

I've created an excel template whose size has sky rocketed since I added a copy/paste/transpose/sort/subtotal/autofilter and hide a worksheet function on the three last sheets in the workbook.

Can anyone tell me how to reduce unused cells or consolidate or optimise the spreadsheet to reduce the file size.

I've already tried the obvious and they haven't worked:

- make sure there is no formatting happening to long lost cells,
- delete all unnecessary cells to the right of and below the working area,
- check that Macro's don't accidentally target cell 15490 instead of 1540...

and I've done all these things but the file size is still huge????

There 7 sheets (one of them hidden) and they include:

- formulas reading data within and between sheets
- validation lists
- action buttons linked to simple formatting Macros.
- Other simple Macro's copy/paste/transpose data into a database type listing which is then subtotalled and autofiltered.

Only some sheets have a ridiculous end cell number - could this be causing the high file size?:

Sheet one is fine - it has an end cell of BE67 (when you select CNTRL+END) and that matches the last active cell when you look at it.

Sheet two has an end cell of GU15490, however the working range should finish at cell GG1540????? How do I get rid on these un-used cells???

Sheet three has an end cell of of V2499 - this should be cell T1100
Sheet Four has an end cell of IV16189 - should should be P120
Sheet Five, Six and Seven seem fine.

Thank for your help

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