Large disk support



Neville said:

Just upgraded my system with a Abit IC7-Max3 and a Seagate Baracuda
160GB serial HD

Win XP only sees127GB I have already applied the fix from MS
331958) - If your computer has an ATA Packet Interface (ATAPI) hard
disk that is larger than 137 gigabytes (GB),

but it is still only sees 127GB

any Ideas?


I've no idea what you mean by 'the fix' but the only solution to this issue
is to install SP1 - do you have it installed?


1) Disk manufacturers use a different GB to Earth residents - to them 1Gb =
1000Mb, but to the rest of the world (and Windows) 1Gb = 1048Mb, so they
lied to you. Marketing departments do that. Its like an AMD processor,
nowhere near as fast as the number on the box.

2) You lose a chunk to the Master File Table, journalling info, etc.

My new 125Gb drive appears as a 115Gb partition - annoying, but normal.


Stuart, I think 1Gb=1024Mb.....


Stuart said:
1) Disk manufacturers use a different GB to Earth residents - to them 1Gb =
1000Mb, but to the rest of the world (and Windows) 1Gb = 1048Mb, so they
lied to you. Marketing departments do that. Its like an AMD processor,
nowhere near as fast as the number on the box.

2) You lose a chunk to the Master File Table, journalling info, etc.

My new 125Gb drive appears as a 115Gb partition - annoying, but normal.



Just upgraded my system with a Abit IC7-Max3 and a Seagate Baracuda 160GB
serial HD

Win XP only sees127GB I have already applied the fix from MS
331958) - If your computer has an ATA Packet Interface (ATAPI) hard disk
that is larger than 137 gigabytes (GB),

but it is still only sees 127GB

any Ideas?



Stuart said:
1) Disk manufacturers use a different GB to Earth residents - to them
1Gb = 1000Mb, but to the rest of the world (and Windows) 1Gb =
1048Mb, so they lied to you. Marketing departments do that. Its like
an AMD processor, nowhere near as fast as the number on the box.

2) You lose a chunk to the Master File Table, journalling info, etc.

My new 125Gb drive appears as a 115Gb partition - annoying, but

Do you ever think before committing yourself to a newsgroup?!

1) A binary GB is 1024MB

2) AMD has lied to no-one - they've been upfront that the chip number is
a comparative speed - neither have HD manufacturers - it's merely one works
in decimal the other binary.


Stuart said:
1) Disk manufacturers use a different GB to Earth residents - to them 1Gb =
1000Mb, but to the rest of the world (and Windows) 1Gb = 1048Mb, so they
lied to you. Marketing departments do that. Its like an AMD processor,
nowhere near as fast as the number on the box.

2) You lose a chunk to the Master File Table, journalling info, etc.

My new 125Gb drive appears as a 115Gb partition - annoying, but normal.
Yes it is installed



Neville said:

Just upgraded my system with a Abit IC7-Max3 and a Seagate Baracuda 160GB
serial HD

Win XP only sees127GB I have already applied the fix from MS
331958) - If your computer has an ATA Packet Interface (ATAPI) hard disk
that is larger than 137 gigabytes (GB),

but it is still only sees 127GB

any Ideas?

No ideas then?

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