language in forms and search - again



Thought i had cracked it - no such luck.
web underconstruction when you do a search the response
is in Arabic? and when you fill a form in feedback the response is arabic?
have used the corporate wizard with canvas theme on frontpage 2000. please
look at web site and sugest what I can do.
Feedback from Mark Fitzpatrick suggested a fp extension problem. have
contacted my web host and he has traced the fault to the inforeq.htm file in
the private folder but everytime i update the site it revets back to Arabic -
need to find the glitch in frontpage somewhere


You need to remove the extensions, and re-install an English version.
The text for the search results comes from the extensions, not a file in
your _private folder.

The confirmation page for the feedback form is also created by the


Hi Ronx
the problem is that the fp extensions look for en-us as language code while
fp uses en therefore the language defaults to arabic. only solution I can
find is to ftp the webaddress/_vti_pvt/service.cnf and manually change it
after every upload.
What a pile of pants!
You dont know of a permanent fix? fp is set to english-us, still no good.

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