LAN Connection lost



My computer running xp pro, linksys wireless broadband router, IE6.
Kids computer xp pro, linksys wireless adapter, IE6.
To start out, kids computer works fine, mo problems.
on my computer I seem to have lost Lan connection, IE6 will not display
pages, cannot even enter linksys IP, Network settings shows LAN and say's
it's working properly, everything was working fine until I installed
microsoft office 2000(only version I have) rebooted, connections gone. Really
new at routers not sure what to do


Ok, used kids, went to linksys verified all settings correct.
run ip config on kids and my computer, my settings are wrong.
dhcp is enabled but IP and Subnet are incorrect.
tried ipconfig/renew, says "an error occured while renewing, unable to
contact dhcp server: timed out
also tried to ptng, destination host unreachable
verified good cable connection
I would also like to say that I had this problem last week.This is a new
computer I just put together,lost connection after uninstalling a game that
did not work properly, Had to format HDD reinstall xp, everything has been
working fine until I installed office.
Is there any way I can set IP manually
Thanks for all the help, Im actually learning something new


Hi Charlie,
If you recently re-installed the pc, check to see if you have the latest
driver for you network adapter - you might be using some generic Win xp
driver. You can usually look for drivers on the manufactures homepage. If
it's an onboard networkadapter (meaning: it's not a seperate PCI card) you
should check the motherboard manufactures homepage for the driver.

You can check the brand/type of your adapter by going to the
controlpanel-->system icon-->hardware tab-->device manager....look for
network adapters. You can check the properties to see the driver version and
date, and compare it to newest on the web.

If you want to try to do a manual ip configuration, go to properties for
your network connection--> choose properties for TCP/IP protocol-->un-check
the "auto..." and fill in the address you can start by looking at
the info on kids. Just remember that you do need a DNS server ip in order to
surf the web - do an ipconfig /all on kids, and just take the DNS from


ps: you could also try out Hans-George tool - takes you through alot, but
you have to do it on KIDS pc... ;-)


Finally got it
Went to website Hans suggested
way to easy. Unplug router(power), switch off dsl modem power, wait about
5min. plug router back in, turn dsl back on and reboot while modem is making
it's connection. It worked. I feel so stupid
Want to thank yall for all the help, I learned a lot about networks in a
short period of time.
If I have the same trouble again later, I will re-post letting you know if
fix always works.Fixin to reinstall office again

Hans-Georg Michna

ps: you could also try out Hans-George tool - takes you through alot, but
you have to do it on KIDS pc... ;-)

Hehe, let the kids do it. :)-)


Hans-Georg Michna

Finally got it
Went to website Hans suggested []
way to easy. Unplug router(power), switch off dsl modem power, wait about
5min. plug router back in, turn dsl back on and reboot while modem is making
it's connection. It worked. I feel so stupid
Want to thank yall for all the help, I learned a lot about networks in a
short period of time.
If I have the same trouble again later, I will re-post letting you know if
fix always works.Fixin to reinstall office again


thanks for reporting back. Good to see what worked.



I am writing this letter to ALL Wireless Router manufacturers.
I have a Linksys Wireless Router Model:BEFW11S4. It is 7 years (yes, count
them, all of seven little years) old. I have visited the Linksys website
numerous times trying to set up the WEP/WPA security on that wireless router
(as all responsible wireless router owners should!). I found that there are
no links to any wireless router setting websites that are congruent with the
screen shots from Linksys' own self help technical support site. I have had
to call Linksys several times to resolve this issue only to be placed on hold
for lengthy times (sometimes my call was dropped and I had to start over ....
how sad for such a large company to have such poorly trained phone
receptionists!), then be transferred (see previous comment about the phone
receptionists) to a supposed supervisor, only to finally be transferred to
someone who tells me that the warranty has expired and wants me to pay $40.00
for the technical support to do the right thing that I want and need to do.
First, the device works fine (as evidenced by this e-mail that you have
just received)!
Second, why should I have to pay for doing the right thing?
Third, if I am going to be EXTORTED into buying a new wireless router so
that I can do the right thing and set up an encryption key for a secure
network, what on Gods' Green Earth makes anyone think that I would CHOOSE to
buy another Linksys product when ALL that I have ever received from them is a
functional wireless router (yes, even after seven whole years) and the
crappiest Customer Service/Technical Support I have ever had the displeasure
to encounter!
I shall copy this letter and try to find as many Chat Rooms as possible in
order to spread the word of ALL that I have gone through with the Chain of
Command at the Linksys phone center, well above and beyond what any
reasonable person should expect to go through, and still have NO RELIEF
concerning my singular issue with their product and its capabilities that I
SHOULD be able to enjoy as the owner of said product! What has happend to
"The Customer Is Always Right" Customer Service mantra (I can't say "In
America" because the call was handled in India)? Is the Customer, the ones
that makes the company what it is through the purchase of products, so
worthless to the company that they can just be treated with abject contempt
and scorn? Is the Customer to thus be trampled underfoot? Are we paying to
be so abused? I, for one (yes, one, the beginning of all), shall NOT be
treated in such manner, and CERTAINLY shall NOT PAY to be treated as such!
In this world of expanding technologies, it shall be those with the
GREATEST Customer Appeal that shall continue to be found worthwile in the
publics' eyes (and pocketbooks) and shall grow to meet the demands of a
growing world - ESPECIALLY in the Electronics Department!
It is now my strongest desire that the Linksys Corporation suffers
irreparable damage and goes out of business for their Crappy Customer
Service! I can only hope that I reach enough people around the world to bring
this desire true!


I am writing this letter to ALL Wireless Router manufacturers.
I have a Linksys Wireless Router Model:BEFW11S4. It is 7 years (yes, count
them, all of seven little years) old. I have visited the Linksys website
numerous times trying to set up the WEP/WPA security on that wireless router
(as all responsible wireless router owners should!). I found that there are
no links to any wireless router setting websites that are congruent with the
screen shots from Linksys' own self help technical support site. I have had
to call Linksys several times to resolve this issue only to be placed on hold
for lengthy times (sometimes my call was dropped and I had to start over ....
how sad for such a large company to have such poorly trained phone
receptionists!), then be transferred (see previous comment about the phone
receptionists) to a supposed supervisor, only to finally be transferred to
someone who tells me that the warranty has expired and wants me to pay $40.00
for the technical support to do the right thing that I want and need to do.
First, the device works fine (as evidenced by this e-mail that you have
just received)!
Second, why should I have to pay for doing the right thing?
Third, if I am going to be EXTORTED into buying a new wireless router so
that I can do the right thing and set up an encryption key for a secure
network, what on Gods' Green Earth makes anyone think that I would CHOOSE to
buy another Linksys product when ALL that I have ever received from them is a
functional wireless router (yes, even after seven whole years) and the
crappiest Customer Service/Technical Support I have ever had the displeasure
to encounter!
I shall copy this letter and try to find as many Chat Rooms as possible in
order to spread the word of ALL that I have gone through with the Chain of
Command at the Linksys phone center, well above and beyond what any
reasonable person should expect to go through, and still have NO RELIEF
concerning my singular issue with their product and its capabilities that I
SHOULD be able to enjoy as the owner of said product! What has happend to
"The Customer Is Always Right" Customer Service mantra (I can't say "In
America" because the call was handled in India)? Is the Customer, the ones
that makes the company what it is through the purchase of products, so
worthless to the company that they can just be treated with abject contempt
and scorn? Is the Customer to thus be trampled underfoot? Are we paying to
be so abused? I, for one (yes, one, the beginning of all), shall NOT be
treated in such manner, and CERTAINLY shall NOT PAY to be treated as such!
In this world of expanding technologies, it shall be those with the
GREATEST Customer Appeal that shall continue to be found worthwile in the
publics' eyes (and pocketbooks) and shall grow to meet the demands of a
growing world - ESPECIALLY in the Electronics Department!
It is now my strongest desire that the Linksys Corporation suffers
irreparable damage and goes out of business for their Crappy Customer
Service! I can only hope that I reach enough people around the world to bring
this desire true!

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