Koppla dokument



Sedan Office 2007 har jag fått problem med hopkoppling av dokument (fungerade
OK med 2000)
1. Celler i Excel som är formaterade med 2 decimaler visas i kopplade
Word-dokument med alla decimaler.
Hur får man dem med 2 decimaler?
2. Datumformaten ändras från sveskt format DD.MM.ÅÅÅÅ till amerikanskt
format MM.DD.ÅÅÅÅ trots att både programmet och datorn är svenska.

Stefan Blom

From Word Help:

Tips for formatting data in Excel
If your data file is an Excel worksheet that includes percentages, currency
values, or postal codes, you can preserve the numeric formatting of the data
by using Dynamic Data Exchange to connect to the Excel worksheet from Word.
For example, you can make sure a five-digit postal code of 07865 from your
data file is not displayed as the number 7865 (without the leading zero).

Before you connect to the worksheet, do the following in Word:

1.. Click the Microsoft Office Button , and then click Word Options.
2.. Click Advanced.
3.. Scroll to the General section, and select the Confirm file format
conversion on open check box.
4.. Click OK.
5.. With the mail merge main document open, in the Start Mail Merge group
of the Mailings tab, click Select Recipients, and then click Use Existing
6.. Locate the Excel worksheet in the Select Data Source dialog box, and
double-click it.
7.. In the Confirm Data Source dialog box, click MS Excel Worksheets via
DDE (*.xls), and then click OK.
Note If you don't see MS Excel Worksheets via DDE (*.xls), select the
Show all check box.

8.. In the Microsoft Office Excel dialog box, for Named or cell range,
select the cell range or worksheet that contains the information that you
want to merge, and then click OK.
Note To prevent being prompted every time you open a data file, you can
turn off the Confirm conversion at Open option after you have connected to
the worksheet.




I've just managed to do this in Word 2003, by using Tools>Options>General
and then continuing. Fromn step 3 it seems to be pretty much the same asin
Word 2007.

However, my Excel document has four worksheets, (the 4th is labeled "mail
merge source") and at step 8 I only saw the option for "Entire spreadsheet",
which was picking up the first worksheet. I could not see any way to select
the sheet I wanted.

So I changed my spreadsheet to make the mail merge sheet the first one, went
through the process again and it all worked fine this time. Excellent tip!

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